
Скачать торрент Endless Space® 2 (SEGA) (v.1.5.30.S5+DLC) (RUS|ENG) [RePack] by xatab Обновлено 02.08.2020г.

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post 23-Май-17 12:06

в каждом инсталлере лажа c текстом, пофикси плз
скрин http://imgur.com/jmGCXtp


post 23-Май-17 12:08 (спустя 2 минуты)

Мне кажется, это у тебя что-то или с разрешением или с масштабированием, нет?


post 23-Май-17 12:14 (спустя 5 минут)

у меня 1440p c 150% маштабированием интерфейса и фиксом маcштаба под win7. Ладно, наверное проблема всетаки у меня. Просто нигде больше проблем не замечал.


post 23-Май-17 15:24 (спустя 3 часа)

У меня так же, только в инсталлере такого не замечал. В одном внутри игровом меню в обзоре навыков командира ?вроде?, русский текст в одном месте накладывается друг на друга, в см строчки друг на друге лежат. Дело не в самой раздаче данного репака. Везде так. Разработчики же обещали в стиме поправить русскую локализацию. У меня разрешение монитора 1280х1024, не широкоформатник, видимо из за этого. Хотя ещё не пробовал масштабирование менять в настройках. Будем ждать патча.
А фикс масштаба под win7 это что? В см прога какая то отдельная? Не очень понял.


post 23-Май-17 16:43 (спустя 1 час 18 минут)

Проблема только в инсталлере, месте со строкой "Допольнительное ПО" на которую наложен другой текст. О игре я ничего не писал. Инсталлер скорее всего делал _xatab_, поэтому написал сюда.
А фикс масштаба под win7 это что?
Фикс - Windows10_DPI_FIX от размытых шрифтов.


post 23-Май-17 17:02 (спустя 19 минут)

Разбирайся в виндусе. Пять лет инсталлеру.


post 23-Май-17 17:17 (спустя 14 минут)

народ, как кораблями (флотом) управлять? не пойму как отправить в определенную систему


post 23-Май-17 17:19 (спустя 2 минуты)

Ц _xatab_ писал(а):

Жалоб не было
При выходе десятки у меня тоже были проблемы с инсталером но я не чего не писала по этому поводу. Так как у меня специфический монитор с 50 дюймовой диагональю то винда мне предлагает ползоваться 150% масштабированием, но я постепенно перешла на обычное 100% и проблемы пропали, но если тебе это важно то инсталер отображается не корректно на не стандартных экранах которые требуют использование масштабирования. wink


post 23-Май-17 17:23 (спустя 4 минуты)

Элементарно, выбираешь корабли в доке, создаешь из них флот и отправляешь его, правым щелчком мыши, в понравившуюся систему.


post 23-Май-17 18:39 (спустя 1 час 16 минут)

Где бы скачать 1.0.4 patch ? Самый неприятный баг в 1.0.1 - если на планете 2 стратегических ресурса, то добывается только один.


post 23-Май-17 20:52 (спустя 2 часа 12 минут)

Это бета-патч. Такое как правило не выкладывают на трекерах. В стиме только


post 24-Май-17 18:46 (спустя 21 час)

1.0.5 анонсирован


post 24-Май-17 20:45 (спустя 1 час 59 минут)

Вышел патч 1.0.5
[1.0.5] Patch Notes
Destroying a gas planet is not going to trigger the cinematic – The FX will however be visible in the galaxy view

Added a pop-up to inform players who play on the public 1.0.5 build with an old AMD card to play on the fixAMD branch
Added several bits of missing localisation that remained in English until now
Added a cinematic for the discovery of the Academy
Added a failure tooltip on ships in the fleet list if the Drag'n'Drop between flotillas wasn’t possible
Improved the planet destruction tooltip error message
Fleets Labels for cargo Ships are now hidden

Changed the custom faction button from "Add" to "Custom Factions"
Improved the Game Creation screen to show that the faction portrait is clickable

Fixed an issue with saves with broken deposits
Fixed an issue with several faction traits that weren't functional with custom factions
Fixed an issue with the Cravers Prime ship skin: it can now be used in custom factions with the Cravers affinity
Fixed an issue in multiplayer where players remained stuck in the loading screen after quitting to main menu if they used custom factions created by the host
Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where the nodes discovery status of remote players was not properly saved by the host
Fixed an issue with the Implant Beacon battle action which was unavailable because the fleet was erroneously considered "busy"
Fixed an issue with the end of turn timer not resolving encounters
Fixed an exploit with technologies: they can’t be traded to prevent Scientific Victory exploits
Fixed an issue with custom factions that couldn’t be created with more than 7 faction traits in Multiplayer
Fixed some diplomacy localization lines for custom factions
Fixed an issue with minor factions spending all their Dust on colonization that they couldn't achieve
Players won’t be able to save during the end turn anymore
Fixed vined systems bonus/malus only applied to Unfallen
Fixed an issue with troops count
Fixed an issue with the Unfallen vine action feedback which was displayed for all orbiting fleets
Added a failure tooltip in galaxy view to inform the user when the curiosities that he wants to explore with probes are already in the queue construction
Fixed an issue on the Asian font which corrupted them overtime
Fixed double click on ship allowing to see ship design even if ship is not editable or hidden
Fixed an issue with the feedback of Third Vodyani population collection bonus
Fixed the Amateur and Kingpin Executive traits
Fixed the Center of Light and Life and Harmony of the Heart improvements which had incorrect pre-requisites, allowing them to be built multiple times
Removed Home System Depletion from the Cravers Affinity to move it to the population trait Extreme Foremen
Changed the faction trait "Strange but Bad" faction trait cost from 10 to -10
Fixed Apathetic/Fervent colonists traits
Fixed Blockade Breakers trait
Added the Naturalists population trait
Fixed the Singularity creation and destruction sound effects
Fixed the Luxuries Lottery system improvement
Fixed the Righteous Fury law
Fixed an issue where the failure condition didn't work properly in a competitive quest when players were the first to colonize a system
Fixed an issue with a parasitic sound heard during the beginning of turn
Fixed an issue with the final reward of the Riftborn main quest
Fixed an issue where the Unfallen couldn't use the spaceport

Reduced the effect of the Vodyani Dust for Alms improvement from 25% to 50% of Dust converted into Essence
Changed the Papers Please hero skill: increased manpower refill rate gain on skills
Changed the Conscription Genius hero skill: doubled manpower gain
Changed the Bespoke Arms hero skill: increased damage given to the hero ship
Changed the Sensitive Systems hero skill: changed vision range bonus from % to flat
Fixed the Infallible Authority hero skill: it is now not as strong
Increased the Riftborn colonizer cost, as they do not have to manage migration to outpost
Decreased Cravers depletion points per turn from +2 to +1
Added a temporary bonus to population collection level 3 for the Lumeris
Fixed Permanent Monsoon tooltip: it now displays -10 Happiness
Wonders & Unique buildings are now impacted by the game speed
Fixed an issue that made conquest victory require a lower percentage of the galaxy to win while in an alliance
Fixed the Lumeris buyout improvement "Workers' Campus" being allowed to be built multiple times

Fixed the AI abusive migration
Fixed an issue with the AI stuck in an infinite battle
Added transitions so the AI is not stuck in war when Peace or an Alliance is signed
Fixed an error that occurred when the game was saved at the beginning of the turn

Fixed an issue where 3 conflicting tutorial windows were displayed in the star system view
Fixed an issue where in the Beginner tutorial the empire screen was displayed 1 turn too early
Fixed an issue where the laws tutorial window was displayed even in galaxy view
Fixed an issue with the battle tutorial that remained stuck

Fixed an issue for Mac players: ground units now appear properly

Fixed an issue where the Academy quest chapter 1 part 1 didn't resolve like a normal competitive quest
Fixed an issue where the Academy quest on minor factions didn't trigger the next quest after it failed
Fixed an issue with the Vodyani quest chapter 1 part 2 where the second choice didn't work with custom factions
Fixed an issue with the Vodyani quest chapter 1 where the objective used to be obsolete
Fixed an issue with the United Empire "The Cult of the Strongman" quest where the player didn't receive any reward upon completion
Fixed an issue where spawning fleets to destroy in Academy quest 3-B were too far from the Academy
Added a missing pre-requisite to the pre-Metaplot Academy quests to make sure Academy must be found in the first place
Fixed an issue with the 10/10 With Spice quest: it will now be triggered only after the 50th turn (in normal speed)
Fixed an issue where the Academy quest "Build the Academy" didn't work as expected, preventing players from reaching the next Academy chapter
Fixed and issue where the Academy quest was spawning Pirate fleets instead of the Vodyani fleets as suggested in the lore
ENFER ship can be dragged into the hangar in the Sophons main quest


post 24-Май-17 20:46 (спустя 1 минута)

Патч я днем скачал но не проверял. Там русский поправили?


post 24-Май-17 20:59 (спустя 12 минут)

Он вышел 2 часа назад. Может ты бета-патч скачал днем?
На счет русского не знаю. На русский в релизной версии было переведено почти всё, только в некоторых местах отсутствовал. Не помню даже, где именно его не было.


post 25-Май-17 08:18 (спустя 11 часов)

1.0.5 вышел патч.


post 25-Май-17 08:53 (спустя 34 минуты)

Я не могу представить что там непонятного для любого кто играл хотя бы в Мастер оф Орион.


post 25-Май-17 12:09 (спустя 3 часа)

Торрент перезалит. Пропатчено до версии 1.0.5. Обновлено 25.05.2017 г.
Патч и таблетка отдельно : http://www.fayloobmennik.net/7002387



post 25-Май-17 12:17 (спустя 7 минут)

Доброго дня всем.
Патч standalone или надо накатывать с первого по последний?
Заранее спасибо.


post 25-Май-17 12:21 (спустя 4 минуты)

Да. Сначала 1.01 затем 1.0.5

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